who is a teenager?

a teenager, im sure, have these feeling rolling within. at least some of those.

-I hate it when my parents or my alarm clock were forcing me to wake up.
-I hate it when I have no one to flirt with.
-I hate it when I can’t get what I want.
-I’m an eccedentisiast. I always say I’m a bipolar person.
-You’ll never understand me.
-My feelings and emotions were fucked up.
-I’m bullied and I’m a bully.
-I find it cliche to hug, kiss nor say sweet words to my parents.
-I let myself cry to sleep at night.
-Involved in so many issues and started some.
-Went out and go where the hell I want without getting a permission and go 
 home late.

-Had secret relationship.
-Failed and fell.
-Has a wide imagination.
-Still love to watch cartoons and read fairy tales.
-Still making wishes.

i came across this post while site walking. anyway, i think i should share with you.

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